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Picking out Glasses

How to Fix Broken Glasses with Clarkson Eyecare

If your glasses break, you may wonder if you can fix them yourself or if you need an eye care provider's help. While it may be possible to do simple repairs by yourself, knowing how to fix broken glasses properly may require an expert to prevent any additional damage to your specs.   

If you've purchased your glasses from your local Clarkson Eyecare, take them back to the office for basic repairs. Most simple fixes can be done in our Clarkson Eyecare clinics quickly and at no cost. You'll also have peace of mind knowing that they've been professionally fixed. This is just one of the benefits of choosing a local provider over an online retailer. 


Needing a quick fix for your broken frames? Don’t let this stop you from wearing your glasses. Here are some temporary solutions you can try until you make it to your provider. 

Eyeglass Repairs You Can DIY

Loose or Missing Screws


The arm of your glasses may detach or become wobbly if a screw falls out or becomes too loose. If your glasses have nose pads, they're often attached by screws and these may become loose or fall off.   

If you want to try handling this fix on your own, you'll need a special screwdriver that's designed to be used on glasses. These are sold in eyeglass repair kits, which are available at many Clarkson Eyecare locations. The kit may also include replacement screws in case of a missing screw.  


When replacing or tightening a screw in your glasses, turn the screwdriver gently to avoid stripping it. Be careful not to let your hand slip when the screwdriver head is close to the glasses lens, as this can quickly lead to scratched lenses.  If you don't have immediate access to an eyeglass repair kit but still need to reconnect an arm or nose pad, try a temporary fix to tide you over until you can visit your local practice. There are many ways to do this, but here are a few we’ve seen:  

  • Use a needle and thread to hold the frames together. You can also use sturdy dental floss or thin wire through the screw holes, then tie a knot to hold everything in place. 

  • Wedge a wooden toothpick into the aligned screw holes, break off the tip, and leave it there temporarily 

 If you can't see what you're doing well enough to handle these repairs on your own or you're not skilled with a tiny screwdriver, bring your glasses to your local Clarkson Eyecare for assistance. 

A Bent Frame or Arm 

Has one of the arms of your glasses become bent or misshapen? You may be able to straighten it at home. This is easier to do if you have glasses with metal frames, as they are easier to adjust than plastic because metal is more malleable.  


To bend your metal-framed glasses back into place, try slowly and deliberately bending the metal back into place with your hands. You can also try using a pair of needle-nose pliers for gentle leverage. Use pliers with plastic encased around the tips or place a soft cloth between the metal tips and your glasses frame to avoid damaging your glasses. 


To make plastic frames malleable enough to bend them back into shape, you'll need to gently heat up the plastic. If you're set on trying this yourself, run the frame under hot water or use a hair dryer to blow medium-level heat on the arm from a safe distance. The plastic glasses frames should bend more easily once warmed up. 


Your local provider should be able to fix a bent arm and will often do so at no cost. It's safer to have a professional do it, especially if your frames are plastic. 

Don’t Try This at Home – Visit Your Local Clarkson Eyecare for These Problems 

Cracked or Scratched Lenses

There's no simple fix for cracked lenses; bring them to your local office for help. 


Some people try to fix scratched lenses by rubbing a pea-sized amount of non-abrasive (non-whitening) toothpaste — or a paste of baking soda mixed with water — into the affected lens with a microfiber cloth. Other people purchase scratch-removal solutions and follow the instructions on the package.  


It’s important to understand that these fixes may not work and may make things worse. Fixing scratched lenses on your own isn’t easy, as the remedy heavily depends on the type of lenses that are in your glasses and the type of scratches that are on your lenses.  


It's possible that you may damage your lenses by trying to fix them yourself, especially if you have a special finish on the lenses. For better results, bring your glasses to your local Clarkson Eyecare eye doctor. 

Broken Metal or Plastic Frames

If your glasses have become so damaged that the frame has broken into pieces, you might try taping the pieces together for a temporary solution– but don't attempt to permanently repair broken glasses.  


Metal frames that have broken anywhere but at the hinge need to be welded. Plastic frames may seem easy enough to fix if you have access to super-glue, but if you get glue on the lenses, it won't come off easily, and it may negate your warranty.  


If you're not sure how to fix your broken glasses, it's ok to ask for a little help. For the best results, bring them to your local provider. 

Visit Your Local Clarkson Eyecare Today

Get your glasses fixed today by visiting a Clarkson Eyecare location near you. Our skilled team of eye care professionals will work with you to determine the best way to repair your glasses. Find a location near you to get in contact with your local Clarkson Eyecare center about eyeglass repair.  


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